Wisdom(?) Teeth

Andrea and my dad headed up to Crystal this morning for the season opening of Crystal's North Back Country, which should prove to be fantastic.
And me? Sitting here, icing my jaw, hoping the swelling goes down by tomorrow so I can at least get some BC turns up at the pass with my brand new rig (more on that later). And after the ice melts, I just ordered TWO KILOS of wax from Raceeffect.com - a freshman effort fronted by one of the TGR regulars. Turns out two kilos of wax is a ton for a one man shop (I have a kilo of moly and a kilo of warm) but at $20 a kilo, for alpine touring and skiing you can't beat it. The guy's site isn't totally operational yet but he is definitely selling wax so drop him an email if you too would like way more wax than you can handle. Good thing that if you keep this stuff wrapped up, the shelf life is basically indefinite.
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