The Goat Trail

It's already been more than two months since Chester, Andrea and I did our trip through the Wrangell-St. Elias range on the Goat Trail.

The story is brief is the Goat Trail is a five day traverse through a pass near McCarthy - it's a fly in fly out deal so you are way in the wilderness for all of the trip. It's still a pretty well traveled route in the summer but the time of year we went, in mid-September, there was no one there but us and the goats. And some marmots.
Our reward for braving the snowy stormy nights was a sublime isolation and a true feeling of the Alaskan winter coming minute by minute. To have the world this empty and all to yourself for only a few days, empty save you and close friends, is worth the price of admission of a chilly night's sleep anytime.

Here are more pictures on our Flickr site.
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