Pictures from McHugh Ridge

As promised, some pictures from our hike up McHugh Ridge on Sunday. I was using a 70-300 mm telephoto lens and was hoping to get some animal shots but with four dogs and six people, I think I was being a little naive (we did see sheep and they promptly ran like hell). So the pictures look more like portraits than anything else but I think they turned out well. My personal favorite is Larry's "Master and Commander" pose below.

I love McHugh Peak, did you see any sheep up high? Or bear or moose down in the Valley? Like yourself I am looking at the hiking now. Gotta get the dogs exercise.
We saw some sheep (they ran like hell) and some moose on the Turnagain Trail (there have been a ton out there). We saw a few bear tracks but no bears. Still a few more weekends in the snow I think but the alpine skis have storage wax on em, as do the skating skis - its only a matter of time for the rando gear (snif)...
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