Ok, so it's been over two months since the last post. Call it negligent blogging but the truth is, we have been working. Of course, we were always working but now we are, like, really working. So if the choice is between getting out into the hills and working, or blogging about working, we skipped the blogging. Naturally.

Although February served us up an early helping of crapola, it got progressively better and we had some great days. Andrea took a two day clinic at Crystal, and when the sun came out and corned up, I hit my head over and over at the massive powder boards on my feet. (Wishful thinking I guess.) Of course, we hit Heather Ridge again, this time with Jen and Nick, and had some of the deepest snow he have seen there.

And in the beginning of March we headed up to Anchorage to ski the Chugach, hitting good old Tincan Ridge for some of the deepest, I swear to God, I realize I am prone to hyperbole but this was, deepest snow I have ever skiied. It was so deep, you had to keep your tips all the way up on anything under 35 degrees or your skiis would just sink.

Oh, and it was a blue bird day. And of couse, we skiied Peak 3 - kick your ass, ride you hard and put you away wet Peak 3. It didn't disappoint - i.e. it was super hard going up and basically sucked going down. But it was also fifteen minutes from Chester's house. And time heals all wounds - the picture below is looking pretty good to these eyes that haven't seen snow in three weeks.

And spring is coming, which means new alpine routes graced with hard skinning in the morning and ethereal corn in the afternoons. And sun splashed peaks can feel as good as powder after a winter in the dark. So I am looking forward to spring in the Cascades - the snow will be around for awhile longer and I will get my 30 days this season (that means a full MONTH of skiing). It will happen. Andrea might even do it too. And when the snow finally lets up, there are trails to run. Indeed, the training has already started. (Did someone say Crow Pass?) So my pledge to all three or four of you who are still looking at this site is that I am going to deliver the adventures! If not for you, for me - for Emerson. For whatever, it's going to happen.
By the way, I posted a link to our Flickr site where there are many more pictures from all of our outings. Look right!